Holding my breath, I plugged the power supply into the socket and pressed the power button. LEDs flashed. The fan whirred with delight. Obviously, you’re much more than just those things, but I’m curious: What’s that been like for you?Because I’m a male identified person and my gender performance matches what society says is acceptable, I have way more privilege than you can imagine.I know the power and the privilege that I have, and my responsibility is to give that shit up as often as I can. When someone says,”Wade, you’re gay but you ain’t no faggot.”I have a responsibility to help a person unpack that.I have a responsibility to talk to gay men, specifically, and tell them they need to identify as feminists and do the work of feminism.In this moment, pride means that we’re in a space where I hope that the LGBTQ community is realizing that we must center those of us who are the most marginalized. And that means queer women of color.
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