Even those that go home after college take US ideas and

“Darkest Hour” you know, that other movie about the Dunkirk evacuation screams Oscar bait. To its credit, Joe Wright’s period piece is better than your average awards wannabe, and yet it’s hardly the most interesting project to appear on any prognostication. A transformative Gary Oldman performance, a vigorous scored by Dario Marianelli and a peppy …

Was Tom Selleck ever the Marlboro Man?No

But right now they gotta do what’s right for them, ’cause it’s their time. Their time, up there. Down here it’s our time. Was Tom Selleck ever the Marlboro Man?No. But he appeared in billboards for Salem cigarettes for fouryears in the late 1970s. The models who portrayed the Marlboro Man were NewYork Giants Quarterback …

Attenzione a non riempire troppo i calzoni

That is it for happy images. Reel after reel shows what the “liberation” really entailed in Majdanek, Auschwicz, Buchanwald, Bergen Belsen, Dachau: cleaning up the camps of tens of thousands of cadavers, urgently, to prevent disease and epidemic. We watch men hump one thin rubbery cadaver after another over their shoulders, and drag each, head …